Donna Allan
Chris Ashwell
Brian Austin
Trish Baker
Phil and Julie Ball
Katie Barrett
Wayne Bertrand
Darrel Bertrand
Jack Birch
Dennis Boxall
Elizabeth Brouard
Sheila Brown
Kevin Butt
Debra Butt
Liz Carre
Howard Chaloner
Heather Chan
Steve Chandler
Liam Collins
Ian and Shirley Cook
Peter Cresswell
Sam Davidson
Ben Davidson
Jeremy De Carteret
Nigel De La Rue
Daniela DeVon
Katka DeVon
Martin DeVon
Michael DeVon
John Dick
Matthew Domaille
Suzanne and Glenn Drake
Lisa Ellis
Robin Endean
Paul Everitt
Steve Falla
Jax Gouviea
Richard Grimes
Heather Groves
Tessa Hall
Alison Harris
Sarah Hendry
Sara Hobson
Simon Hodgett
Huw Jones
Stephen Jones
Lauren Jouhning-Saunders
Simon Julou
Maurice Julou
David Lane
Olwen Lane
Andrew Lake
Martin and Sonia Le Cocq
Jane Le Page
Shane Le Page
Michael Marshall
Blaise Meredith
Sheilagh Meredith
Diana Metcalfe
Barry and Ruth Neal
Jenny Nicolle
Adam Norman
Michael Ogier
Leanne Oliver
Catherine O'Sullivan
Kayleigh Overcuka
Robert and Sarah Plumley
Dawn Pooley
Ian Pritchard
Tim Procter FRAes
Will Procter
Kenneth Queripel
Matt Raines
Craig and Janette Robert
Charlotte Robert
Sir Geoff and Diana Rowland
Russell and Susette Scandrett
Robert Doug and Eileen Schuler
Rachel Sherbourne
Nigel Spensley
Christopher and Lavinia Storey
Sheralyn Summers
Mary Thompson
Stuart Thoume
Shaun Torode
Fran Torode
Katherine Torode
Jane Tullier
James Williams
Chris Workman
Emma Wright
David Wyatt
Anthony Yates
Stefanie Young
We would also like to express our thanks to those Friends who have chosen to remain anonymous